Friday, January 27, 2012

Aventura 14: Fútbol Sansur

Although fútbol is everywhere in Barca, at the same time it's hard to find if you are an outsider.  Once you are in the world of fútbol, especially fútbol for women, it's easy to be a part of it.  And that's exactly what I have figured out - because I am now on the inside of the fútbol de mujeres world here!!!!  I had almost given up my search, after asking three or four organizations if there was a team I could play on, and then my director found this club that is in my barrio! 

Tuesday I was welcomed to A.C.E. Sansur by 13 girls who are so awesome and nice and make sure I understand everything!  I thought I would only be able to practice as I'm here for two months, but I just found out today, after emailing the director all my information, that I am on the team!!!!!  I get to play fútbol three times a week, IN SPAIN! Entrenimiento Tuesday and Thursday, and Partidos on Saturday!

However, this fútbol is different than fútbol 11 that I'm used to.  It's fútbol sala, or fútsal, played indoors and 5 players per side.  The ball is heavier and smaller, and the goalies have elbow and knee pads because they slide all over the hard gym floor.  The movements are more structured than I'm used to, so I have a lot to learn! But I cannot WAIT and I get to play in my first game tomorrow!!!

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