Sunday, January 22, 2012

Aventura 12: Sigue la Música

Wandering around the Barri Gotic the other night, in and out of these skinny streets lined by unique stores in old stone apartments and building, I heard a beautiful sound.  We started following (siguiendo) the music, around this corner, is it around the next corner? Until we finally turn left onto a narrow street behind the church, and there's three hombres playing a beautiful beautiful song with three instruments.  The hang drum (which is really my new favorite instrument), the acoustic guitarra, and the alta saxophone.  We lean against the ancient walls and just listen.  Listen to the amazing sound of the music that drew us through the maze of the old city center.  I danced a little, sat, drew, and closed my eyes, thinking, dreaming about how there's no other place I would rather be right at that moment.

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