Monday, February 27, 2012

Aventura 26: Palau de la Música

21.03h:  3 minutes late for the concert, but I might still make it in time before they close the doors.  Run up the stairs, don't look around at all the colors, sculptures, flowers, chandeliers, and decoration around you.  Walkrun up three flights of red carpeted stairs, wow....the carpet is beautiful, with the floors patterns and all the designs....

No, focus, up the stairs, ask the usher where you are sitting.  Enter, don't trip because all the lights are off.  Find your seat, squeeze past the people and PHEW.  

Finally, sit down and rest.  Close your eyes for a second, say hi to your friends next to you, and try to look around.  But as you got here just in the nick of time, all the lights are already off.  Until you get a glimpse of shining, glittery red and blue way in front and down below.  Then you here a voice speaking to the crowd.  That must be José Mercé, the flamenco singer - that is why you are here anyways! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy his singing....

Except that you can't sit back and relax.  The moment he starts singing, you have your elbows on your knees inched to the edge of the seat, straining over three rows of people to see where this incredible voice is coming from with so much energy, depth, and emotion.  You peer through silhouetted heads to see a small figure dressed in casual black, gray long hair, and a huge smile.  He's singing along with the guitarrist next to him and dancing in the background are the statues that are coming out of the wall.  Those glittering lights you saw before are making the statues swirl and twirl with the rhythm of the guitar.  

Your feet, body, and hands are all swaying with the guitar and the voice.  You want to capture this feeling, remember this feeling forever, but you are not sure how.  You grab your sketchbook and pencil and just start to move your hand along with the rhythm, following the dance of the statues with no idea where your lines are going because, well, it's dark, remember?

And then you thought it couldn't get any better, but three women and two other men come out to add more voices, drums, and a cool rattling instrument.  And while they are singing, Jose Mercé gets up and starts dancing flamenco and laughing and talking with the audience.  And what does everyone around you do in response? Not just a normal clap, no...but a clap to the rhythm of the music and song! You find yourself clapping and singing with them too, even though you don't know the words. And when Mercé tries to leave two times to end the show, you find yourself chanting "otra, otra" for an encore.  He comes out for a third improvisational song, and "escapes" by dancing off stage!

We sat on the right side here! ---------------------------------------->
Standing and clapping like crazy (flamenco-style) the lights come on, and you are almost pushed back into your seat with the awe of what is around you.  This is what you were sitting in this whole time? How could you not have even noticed? You started to get pushed a little bit by the crowd around you heading for the carpeted stairs, but all you want to do is look around.  You can't talk your eyes off the ceiling, but you have to otherwise you are going to trip! All you know is that you have to come back here - the show is not over!

Here's some of his singing if you want to listen!

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